Friday, November 18, 2011

A Collection Of Tea For Women's Health Benefits

Ngeteh has long been known people have many benefits to our bodies. There is also the downside if consumed in excess or inappropriate time — for example, can inhibit the digestive process if taken when eating a meal — but on the bright side is so much more. In fact also for beauty. It's all thanks to the natural content of tea which is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, and antioxidants. So that's been granted if the activity is now need to drink tea is upgraded, the mere removal of thirst to be a tradition which is positive.

More about the benefits of tea can You see on our site, KhasiatTeh.Com. Here, we try to summarize and present some useful tea benefits for the health of a woman's body. What are those?

Prevent and reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis

8-fold risk having osteoporosis than men make women need to be extra careful. Smaller bones, hormonal changes during menopause and kekurangtahuan will make the importance of calcium the blistering disease pengeroposan is close to the bone. Fortunately, the tea contains calcium, which according to some studies (using animals), are able to reduce the high absorption causes loss of bone mass excess and are not directly prevent and reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis.

Breast Cancer

Tea is often we know as anticancer substances where breast cancer is included in it. All was not the role of polyphenols that make up the 25-35% of the weight of the dried tea. One of the polyphenol are popular, especially in the form of katekin EGCG (catechin Epigallo gallate). In the study of EGCG proves to inhibit pertmbuhan breast cancer cells in mice.


Beautiful and healthy skin has surely become dambaan women. Combination with elastin collagen (a protein found on the body's tissues are elastic) makes the skin become toned, elastic, and smooth. Unfortunately the free radicals can damage the skin's collagen so attacking and causing skin be not pretty and fresh again. Antioxidants in tea by katekin in it is capable of protecting the skin from damage by free radicals.


Tea can be an enjoyable diet solutions. The secret is the synergy of the three main ingredients include caffeine, tea, L-Theanine, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Caffeine is a stimultan that will help reduce your weight. Unfortunately, as is already known, caffeine had no negative effects to the body, in between raising blood sugar and insulin levels. Fortunately, tea also contains L-Theanine, amino acids that are capable of being the shield of the ill effects of caffeine. L-Theanine is also affecting neurotransmitters in the brain that affect dopamine levels and serotopin will send a message "full" to the brain. So the more tea that is drunk during the meal, the stronger the message to the brain that says "I'm not hungry". However, tea is not only helps reduce weight, but also helps reduce the appetite to stay the course on a diet that's right.

The third secret of tea is EGCG content in it — the miracle antioxidant that stimulates the metabolism of your body. In fact you have to burn fats from the very beginning You drink tea. EGCG is also lowering the levels of triglycerides in the blood and inhibit the accumulation of fatty acids in the fat tissue (burn fat faster and more effective). It's what makes the tea as a antiobesitas agent.

How? Pretty much not benefit ngeteh on women? Next time, we discussed more benefits-other benefits tea, Yes?

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